Welcome to HomeCool Kids! We are a free, child-led magazine originally created to lift the spirits of everyone during these unusual times. Since the beginning of this pandemic, we have been publishing experiences of children and presenting them in a fun and creative way. We aim to develop into a platform that celebrates the creativity, resilience, independence, and kindness of children like us by giving them the space to tell their own stories in their own creative ways. All our written content is produced by 8-14 year olds; we also have some fabulous young artists on our team who create some of the illustrations and paintings used in the magazine (however, we do have some grown-up help for editing, layout designing and social media management). Our website has also been designed by members of our young editorial team. We would love you to join us on this amazing journey. If you have something you’d like to share with us, our details can be found in the Contact Us section!
To know more about how HomeCool Kids was formed, you can find it all in the Our Story section of the website.
Click on the images below to download our magazine!