Harry Potter Mad DJ wrote a story

I hope you liked my story about my love for Harry Potter in the March issue of HomeCool Kids. In the magazine, I promised you some more Harry Potter- themed fun activities. Here is a game that I invented. The idea for the game came to be from my wardrobe! Yes, that’s right! One day, when I was putting my hoodie over my face, I felt like a Dementor and it scared my sisters so it was highly amusing.

Dementor’s Kiss Game

For this fun game you will need:
• A string or ribbon or a skipping rope
• Moveable furniture, for example chairs
• Something that represents a hidden key; it could be an actual key or a picture of a key
• Sellotape
• At least five players
• A clear space, preferably a living room
• Some scarfs or hoodies
• A few pieces of paper with ‘kissed’ written on them.
Instructions (for a five player round):
The aim of the game is to be the first prisoners to find a hidden key

  1. First, you need to build your Azkaban prison cells. You can do this by getting five chairs (that’s if you are playing with
    four other people) and spread them around the room
    Each cell needs to contain a piece of string (or something like that), a paper saying toilet pass and a piece of sellotape to
    help the prisoners escape
  2. Then decide who is going to play which part. You always need to have more prisoners than Dementors. Each prisoner
    will stand between a chair. That will be their cell
  3. Once the Dementors have covered their heads with the scarves/hoodies you can press start on a 20 minute timer.
  4. The Dementors patrol the prison with their ‘kissed’ papers in their hands. The prisoners are stuck in their cells (stood
    next to the chairs until they decide to use their toilet passes or make a run for it)! If they use the toilet pass once, it
    cannot be used again.
  5. The prisoner walks out of their cell, and then begins to wander round the room, looking for the hidden key. If the
    prisoner is gone for too long, a Dementor will search for him/her. As soon as a Dementor pins a ‘kissed’ sign on the
    prisoners back, they lose the game. The first person to find the escape key is the winner
    Hope you enjoy the game. Let us know in the comments or write to us on

One thought on “Potty About Potter

  1. Wow MD! That portrait of Harry Potter is amazing! I know I’ve never read a single Harry Potter Book or watched a single Harry Potter film in my life, but it’s so famous that even I know what he looks like; but I would think that drawing had come from a professional artist if there weren’t any sentences saying that ‘We also have a drawing of Harry Potter from 10 year old MD’!

    Just amazing.

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The Easter Story!

Wed Apr 21 , 2021
Easter! Easter is so much fun for everyone; think of all the chocolate and cake, and the eggs that are so often found as a fun prize. People love (and personally, I do too) all the fun in the egg hunts, scouring gardens for any hidden treats.